DotsGifaldy Azka

Hey! I'm Gifaldy Azka. Born and live in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I've been close to a computer since an early age, and been passionate about it ever since.

I started learning about Data and Algorithm since 2020 with C++ language. And now I spend more time to explore Web development using TypeScript, Node.js, Svelte, and Nuxt.js.

I really liked to build stuff using no-code tools back in 2019, and from that, I explored how to code myself, fast-forward to today, I do programming in various languages and technologies. Currently focused on Web development, Open-source projects, Aviation Electronics, Cinematography, and many more.

When I'm not doing anything with programming, I play Genshin Impact, doing voice communication with friends on Discord, went outside to shoot some pictures using my camera, etc.


  1. Website UI v2.0.0-beta.2 Latest

    2nd release for beta version of this of this website.

  2. Completed WATCH_DOGS 2 Story Campaign

    Completed WATCH_DOGS 2 story campagin in 2 months (PS4)

  3. First Livestream on YouTube

    Starting first Livestreaming journey on YouTube using PS4.

  4. Website UI v2.0.0-beta.1

    This website is just redesigned into new looking user interface. This design system is inspired from Vercel's Geist UI.

  5. Being moderator at Choco Latte's community

    Being trusted by Choco Latte herself for being moderator on her YouTube channel and Discord server.

Keep in Touch.

I'm currently specializing in Front-end Development.
Feel free to get in touch and talk more about your projects.
Or just want to keep in touch with my other social media.